  • Scrolling down your Facebook newsfeed, and suddenly, you get a notification. A girl has posted on your timeline and she insults you terribly so everyone can see. Cyberbullying is a coward's way of hurting you, to satisfy themselves. In my own experience, I have been harassed and emotionally hurt over texting and the internet. Honestly, it wasn't the worst cyberbullying out there but it still hurt. A few girls accused me of doing "this" and doing "that", when in reality I didn't.  When I look back on the situation, I think that they were so childish and it makes me laugh. But I laugh at the fact that they thought bullying me would make them superior to everyone else. It doesn't, at all. It made me superior, not better, because I was the bigger person and I tried my absolute hardest to not let it phase me. It did hurt, a lot, but it didn't change me. To get over this, I turned to my family and real friends. People should realize that other people's words and opinions about you, do not matter. I surrounded myself with postive people, unlike before. If you are being cyberbullied, here are a few tips.

  • Relieve your stress in a positive way
  • Don't try and get revenge
  • Surround yourself with people who will not put you down

If you have ever been harrassed over texting, the internet, etc, how did you deal with it? If you have done this to someone, why did you do it?